Prelude to Silence is an overture to the larger body of work I am making, In the Silence of the Night Sky. A majority of this work was made over the summer of 2016. Wendell Berry, describing pre-dawn light, said "it is not a light to see by, but only makes the darkness visible". Prelude is a glimpse into this visible darkness.
Self Published
Edition Size: 100
Soft Cover
6.5 x 5
Saddle Stitch
40 Pages
17 Black and White Photographs
Number and Signed
Prelude to Silence can be purchased here.

Falls - A collaborative project with Tim Robertson and Michael Winters. Over the summer of 2016 each of us went down to the Falls of the Ohio State Park. We made images in our own way and then came together to edit and sequence the work. What came of it was this publication.
Publisher: Material Print Shop, 2016
Edition Size: 50
30 pages
5.25 x 8
Falls can be purchased here and through Material Print Shop.